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How to deal with your sibling's boy/girlfriend

I hope you are having a wonderful day/evening thus far! As promised; a helpful "how to" list follows below, but before I start I would like to explain why I decided to write this specific guide.

You can definitely expect humor in all my articles - this one especially! Today's article is "How to deal with your sibling's boy/girlfriend." In my case it is my brother's girlfriend. Now, I know this sounds ridiculous, but when it happens to you, you will be glad that you read this! Seriously, it takes a toll on you - emotionally it is exhausting!

So, let's get started with healthy methods to deal with your siblings new companion:

1. Be an inconsiderate bastard.

Ha ha - only a joke. This is something you should NOT do at any time in the future! I did this and it led conflict within the family. Instead, support your sibling - show them you care enough to put the fact that you feel excluded aside for a moment. It does feel like you are ignored, especially if you guys have been together since the beginning of time. You will just have to put those thoughts aside by screaming in your pillow, slaughtering orcs in Shadow of Mordor or going for long walks at the beach.

2. Show interest in their adventures

The best thing you can do is to show you are actually interested in the stuff they get themselves into. Honestly, you could just throw a "Sounds amazing" or "Good stuff" their way. Do it in a tone that sounds as sincere as possible. If you do not mean it, that's find, but just be there for them.

3. Reach out to your sibling's companion

This one is plain and simple. Just act as if you care. Really, a shopping trip or gaming expo won't kill you. You might even start to warm up to your sibling's companion. Maybe have a braai or social event of sorts to get to know him/her without feeling threatened. Your sibling will appreciate the efforts - I promise.

4. Flattery will get you somewhere - anyone who tells you otherwise it silly

Flatter the HELL out of the partner. Look for something that you like. Even if it is one little strand of hair! Compliment it! If you like something he/she is wearing - focus on the fashion taste of the partner. Find something to adore - no one is made up of things to hate. You'll find something ... sometime ...

5. Just accept it ...

You have been the corner stone of your sibling's life for years in the past and definitely many more years are to come. Allow the ol' bloke to experience happiness with his/her loved one. Being placed second is better than being absent from your sibling's life entirely ...

There you go! First hand experience in this! My brother is currently in a serious relationship and it took me a long time before I reached stage 5 ...

Anyway - suggestions are always open! Have a great rainbow day!



Cape Town, South Africa



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