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Distance for Difference

Today’s article is long overdue to be frank. It concerns the charity event that took place on Saturday and Sunday (14th and 15th of October). The event I am referring to is the Distance for Difference cycling event.

My Saturday started with playful banter about the Distance for Difference event which took place at the Lord Charles Hotel. I only discovered this exciting event through my brother who was participating. The event raises funds through entry fees and donations, of course. The participants could enter to; cycle for 24-hours in the streets, “spin” indoors for one-hour sessions or – the tougher of the few – “spin” for 24-hours nonstop. “Spin”, for those of you who aren’t aware of the cycling lingo, refers to cycling on a machine indoors.

When I arrived at the event I as greeted with such overwhelming enthusiasm – sparks traversed throughout the entire room. The “spinners” were smiling and going strong even though they have been going at it for five hours. This enthusiasm never wavered – not even when midnight came around and brought exhaustion along with it.

The entire atmosphere was on point. Great upbeat music kept the spinners going and the instructor motivated every single soul in the room. It was amazing to experience the feeling of such enthusiasm, determination and endurance for a noble cause. A crowd of strangers cycling together for one goal and that goal is to aid children in need.

At the end of the event the charities managed to raise a whopping R640,000.000. The 24-hour event was such a fun experience and even though I was not a participant I still felt the energy those eager souls created.

The ladies and gentlemen who participated in this event can be proud of themselves. They have motivated and energised all supporters and I am sure this will lead to more entries in the next event which will be taking place in 2019. I would like to congratulate all participants as you have shown such incredible motivation during the event.

Looking forward to 2019!


Cape Town, South Africa



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