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Tips for Productivity

Yeah, yeah. I know watching your favourite anime or playing that new game is better than being productive, but let’s face it – at times you’re going to have to put all of that aside for responsibilities. Today’s quick read will give you 5 tips on how to be more productive!

1. Healthy Breakfast

This is crucial to your well-being as we all know that scientifically you cannot be productive while being all grungy due to the lack of food in your belly. Try to have a healthy breakfast filled with minerals and nutrients.

2.Create a schedule

Without a schedule or to do list you won’t be able to track your progress! I am sure you are like most human beings and appreciate recognition for your progress. Therefore, ticking off activities after they have been completed is a great motivator! I have a notepad with which I keep tabs on my activities for the day; the moment I complete one I tick it off. Trust me, it makes you feel like you are making progress. It also allows you to see how you spend your time; try to optimise as much as possible!

3. Workout Routine

A quick workout is scientifically proven to improve your mood, boost your energy levels and promote better sleep. These are key to being productive as no one can endure a day’s work without a good night’s sleep, a good mood and some much-needed energy for those important tasks!

4. Focus

When you start your task – be it work or just reading a book for your next exam – be sure to cancel out all background noise. This will help you to focus entirely on the task at hand. Try to find a quiet area if you struggle to pull yourself away from what’s going on around you.

5. Spoil Yourself

Many follow the rule: work 50 minutes to gain 10 minutes of free time. Time to relax and have fun is crucial as without it you’ll most likely burn out and that would spiral into lack of productivity, obviously. Your brain needs time to relax and get ready for the next wave of knowledge. Therefore, go for a walk, listen to some jazz or annoy your sibling(s).

There you go! These 5 tips are simple, but you would be surprised how many people are unproductive since they do not follow these tips. Try to motivate yourself as much as possible; sure, if you loaf an entire day it is fine, but keep in mind that you will have to make up for that sometime.


Cape Town, South Africa



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